What is Christian Science?

Christian Science is a system of laws found in the Bible and established on the basis and understanding that God is wholly good, and therefore everything that He makes is only good.

Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, writes, "Christian Science is the unfolding of true metaphysics; that is, of Mind, or God, and His attributes." (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 69). Christian Science presents the Science that Jesus practiced in his healing ministry described in the Gospels, and that was continued by his Apostles throughout the rest of the New Testament of the Bible. This healing practice continues today, and is available right now to each one of us.

For a fuller explanation of Christian Science and its healing effects, please visit christianscience.com, or pick up a copy of the Christian Science textbook - Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and discover these laws for yourself.

Sunday Church Service

Wednesday Testimony Meeting

Enjoy tuning into a live Christian Science Sunday church service at The Mother Church in Boston every Sunday at 10am EST (The replay is available until the next live Sunday service).

Tune into a weekly testimony meeting held at The Mother Church in Boston, Wednesdays live at 2pm EST (The replay is available until Friday morning 8am Boston time). Guests share healings they've had with Christian Science treatment.